类型:古装,悬疑,言情 / 地区:泰国 / 年份:2013
主演:杨舒婷 小林竜树 任天野 海盖特费格特 陈泽耀 查理·斯克莱特
简介:Robert Blake is the main star, a boxer who's been Robert Blake is the main star, a boxer who's been ripped off by his trainer, sold out to a thrown fight. this happens in every boxing movie, or most of them. it's even mentioned in ON THE WATERFRONT, a boxer getting sold to throw a fight and thus, dismissing a promising career of being a champion. that's sort of what this movie is about, but mostly it's a wrongfully accused peice of fluff-antique, pulpish entertainment that, although it looked as if it cost ten dollars to make, kept me somewhat interested. it's sort of fun to watch. the parts that are corny, like the overdubbed voices (of everyone 'cept the two leads), are a funny as hell, like watching those old kung fu movies only now it's boxing and it's Italian in lue of Asian. Ernest Borgnine gets second billing but he's not in the movie much. he's a cop who's after Blake and appears after about forty-five minutes. the second main character is Blake's buddy, some Italian actor no one's ever heard of (in this country), who's low, tuff voice doesn't fit his meek appearence - as often happens with dubbed movies. all in all RIPPED OFF had me watching - and hooked - from start to finish.顾潇潇早看蒋少勋不爽了,丫的,他这不就是变着法折磨人吗?张秀娥闻言,语气微微一沉:所以,你的意思是?只是慕浅和陆沅领着霍祁然刚离开医院,霍靳西就叫来了吴昊。苏凉拉住他,笑道:不行,你又不知道我喜欢什么口味的。现在看她生龙活虎的模样,还能瞪他,揪着的心总算放回肚子里。这是他们双方的父母第一次见面,却相谈甚欢,一声声亲家,喊得乔仲兴眼眸中都出现了许久未见的光彩。独り身で初老の菊次郎(緒形拳)は、なけなしの金を片田舎の競馬場で費やしていた。電話ボックスの張り紙を見て知り合った少女・ひとみ(清水真実)に美容整形費目的の援助交際を迫られたが、家賃も払えぬ身の上断るも、偶然路上に停まっていた馬運車から名馬リュウセイを自宅に連れ去ってしまう。このリュウセイから身代金を取り立て、ひとみの金を払おうと企てた菊次郎だが、ひとみと再会しているうちに馬は逃げ出していた。探し当てた先は競馬場で知己のあったチンピラの良雄(江口洋介)宅で、良雄も電話ボックスの張り紙からひとみと知り合い、自宅に引き連れていたのであった。リュウセイは中央G1優勝馬キングダムとG1・東日本大賞典で対戦を予定している地元期待の星で、ともに金が欲しかった3人は共謀してリュウセイを誘拐することになる。闻着这香气,张秀娥陡然的想起来宁安的身上也有类似的药香,只不过这院子里面的药香更要浓重。详情