类型:动作,恐怖,古装 / 地区:日本 / 年份:2015
主演:麦克尔·约克 郭九龙 达斯汀·鲁内尔斯 史蒂夫·沃尔 熊井统子
简介:A film about self-destruction, romance, and everlaA film about self-destruction, romance, and everlasting friendship: Ossy and Jimmy are childhood friends from Copenhagen and together they share an experience of a wild life in Thailand. Some years ago Jimmy gave that life up and settled in Iceland, where he now lives the life of ordinary people: a steady job, a wife, and a child. One day Ossy - carrying a deadly secret and in great need of his former confidante - suddenly turns up in Iceland....政府研发了一项秘密武器——拳神手套,它能够激活人类大脑中那未被使用的百分之九十部分,从而使使用者爆发超人的能量,十分危险,警察战廿一(张耀扬 饰)成为了手套的首批试用者中的一份子,然而,他的内心不满自己沦为政府操纵的木偶,于是偷走了手套,并且销毁了和手套相关的一切资料。香港萨兰托国际电影节闭幕电影缉毒队队长仇索抓住了当地的毒贩子(也是自己的发小)张彪,在审讯期间由于家里出事,富二代实习民警葛帅一时疏忽,导致犯罪嫌疑人逃走。仇索被疑蓄意放人,被停职、等待处理,实习民警葛帅被免职,回家。为了证明自己的清白,为了小葛热爱的工作,仇索四处借钱、自掏腰包,准备独自一人踏上万里追凶的征途。同为警察的师父...On the distant mining world of New Aries, a young colonist, Jim Marlowe, has acquired a native pet, a"roundhead" he names Willis, which can parrot speech and record visual information. As Jim and his sister P.J. are about to be sent to a boarding school, their mother Jane, the colony's chief medical officer, discovers that a substance in the deeper mines is killing the miners. She uses her authority to shut down the mines, but the decision is rescinded by the evil colony leader, a Beta Earth Mining Company man who sees only the rich profits at any cost. When the colony leader and the school's headmaster discover that Jim has a roundhead in captivity, they seek to steal it for use in medical experiments to make a serum that will temporarily protect the miners against the deadly substances in the mines. Willis records their conversation and when Jim escapes with him, it sets off a revolt against the Company that ends up involving the mysterious intelligent natives. Only Jim's friendship with Willis saves the colonists from eviction or possibly genocide at the hands of the natives, and in an epilogue set many decades later, we see that humans remained and"terraformed" New Aries to make it suitable for both species to co-exist.他这是在做什么?好像在不知不觉之中,想保护张秀娥。刚才这个姓赵的还满口答应一起吃饭,这会儿就有事要顺路回京了?When the Italian Premier and his companion find a dead body in his hotel suite, while on a trip to Hungary, they find themselves embroiled in a series...在准备结婚周年旅游的男子布兰登发现,自己的妻子似乎出轨了。伤心之余,布兰登邀请最好的男性朋友丹一起到泰国完成预定的旅游。在泰国,经历了系列自然美景和社会人物经历后,终于开始从悲伤中醒过来,勇敢面对妻子的出轨。影片最后,布兰登准备打电话和妻子联系。详情